Thursday, December 19, 2013

Final Countdown Week 2013

It is now just under one week to Christmas Day.  I am not where I wanted to be now; but considering all the unexpected circumstances I’ve been dealing with, it’s not too bad. 
I am happy that I got started early with going through the house room by room.  While there will always been more purging to do (especially with losing my vision – not much point in keeping a lot of things, such as books).
I did not get as much done as in previous years; but considering that the more problems I encountered, the less help I got from the ones I had most counted on .. it’s not too bad after all. 
My biggest problem at this point is with shopping.  I did not “plan ahead” to not be able to leave the house, or to not be able to drive.  For that matter, shopping is no longer fun when I can’t see things; and shopping on line just isn’t possible at all.  I used to prefer waiting; but clearly my priorities in that regard have to change.
Also, in the past I started just after Halloween to get decorating done.  This year I waited until after Thanksgiving since I had a big crowd here for that.  Since I did less .. and since I’ve had extremely limited chances to do “holiday things”, it’s worked out OK.  I’d like to think for next year I’ll go back to decorating early.
The truth is, I have no clue what will be my situation by next year.  I hope I will still be here in this house I love.  And I hope DH will still be here with me.  But in truth the only thing I can pretty much count on is that my vision will not be improved (and will most likely be a lot worse).
That being said, I need to revise my whole plan and start in January.  My original plan was a room a month, and I need to go back to that. 

This year there will be no piles of pretty packages.  There will be no big Christmas dinner.  I expect (I hope)  our grandsons will come by sometime in the evening; but that depends on what time they get to their dad’s house (might be too late to come here).  In the end, it will most likely be just another day here.  But it will be one with pretty lights anyway. J

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Early December Update

I am very happy to report that while I won't have anywhere near as much as past years, I will have Christmas decorations.  I see very little hope of anything in the yard.  But a friend came over for a few hours yesterday to help me inside.
I had managed to get all of the fall decorations packed and upstairs; and I brought down the boxes of linens and had those in place.  She helped me bring down 7 bigger trees (4 and 5 feet), plus a few smaller ones.  Two of them need lights replaced (on half the tree), but that's not bad all things considered! LOL!

Today I have the rare opportunity to get away for a whole day!  It was supposed to be for a parade (with my DGD in marching band); but it's pouring rain and the temp is dropping rapidly .. so the chances seem very strong that the parade will be cancelled or postponed.  Since care for DH has been arranged, I still get the day with my DIL. :)
Tomorrow I hope (rested and refreshed) to begin "filling in".  Oh, nearly forgot, the friend also helped me unpack and *place*  a box of Nativities.  I still hope to bring down some of the nutcrackers and some of the snowmen.  And I may also bring down a few Santas  It's going to depend on how DH is doing (how much of my time is spent caring for him ... he has good days and bad days, and no way to plan ahead for that).  Except for the trees that were never undecorated, they are "naked" .. and may stay that way.  I can't see well enough to really do much about decorating them.  And since what I mostly see are the lights, I'm quite happy with them just having lights! LOL!

I will post pictures when I get a chance.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

End of November

It is now past Thanksgiving, and the end of November.  And for the first time in many years, not the first thing has been done for Christmas decorating.  In fact, I haven't even acked away fall yet.
There will most likely be nothing at all outside, as there's no way for me to do that (DH cannot be left alone, or at least I must be within hearing of him).  I just don't think I have either the energy or the ambition to do much inside.  
But at least my hosue is (relatively) clean, and I'm much closer to being organized than ever before.  So that part of my lan, at least, is a success.
Hopefully over this coming week I will find a bit of "spirit" and get things done.  And next weekend I *might* get to go to a Christmas parade (that my DGD15 will be in with her school marching band).
I can do no shopping any more - it loses it's draw for me when I just can't see much.
I can't do the outside stuff at all this year, since I must be at least within hearing of DH at all times.  And many people, instead of offering to help, tell me it's not important.  The fact that they are so unconcerned with the fact that it matters very much to me is very depressing.  So I guess they're right.
At least Thanksgiving was a success.  The house was clean and nicely decorated.  There was plenty of food for the 20 eople who were here.  I believe everyone, even DH, enjoyed the day.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

3rd Week of November

I know my posting on this blog has become very eratic, even though I started it (this year at least) with the best of intentions.  Seems my life is too unpredictable these days.  I just muddle along the best I can.

However, despite my getting "off" my own Plan, things have come together fairly well.  I have given some degree of attention to every room, and a bit more to the areas most in need.  There is no room in my house I'd be embarrassed for anyone to walk into (although the back bathroom is "iffy", but that's because that's where the litter boxes are! LOL!).

I have sent many many boxes of "stuff" out the door to be donated somewhere.  I've forced myself to part with an awful lot of books -= and have more to go - because my vision has gotten so bad I can't read them.  There will be some I'll keep, in hopes that someday there will be such a thing as a person who actually has time to sit down and visit with me, and go through  (or just read aloud) some of them.  Same thing goes for notebooks.  I seem to collect them!!  I sent an entire box full .. at least 15 ... out the door.  I kept 4 or 5 big fat ones, in hopes of either getting someone to go through them with me, or being able to pass them on to someone who will appreciate them.

I also took on purging a huge amount of paperwork.  When I had sorted it down to about a quarter of what I once had (and hope I didn't throw out anything that was actually important), I had a niece help by going through what was left.  That pile is now about a quarter of what it was - much more manageable!  All of that purging allowed me to clean and organize the storage system in the closet behind my desk.  And, I no longer have piles of papers and other *stuff* on the floor!  

The outside of the house is a different story.  There are still dead plants on the porch.  The door that fell off it's one hinge (bathroom linen closet) is still on the porch.  One "bookshelf" (actually, the top section of a china hutch) that I completely emptied is on the porch.  My Halloween cat and pumpkin are still there.  Because my husband can't be left alone (I don't even like to be out of range of hearing him), I can't take those things to the barn and no longer have "help" with anything.

Today, I'm "cheating".  I'm hiring a housekeeper, just for the one day.  She will clean everything front front hall to back hall (and I will do those areas myself) and she will do an excellent job.  Then I will only have to keep up with manntenance ... I have company coming Saturday night, then a fair sized crowd (14) coming for Thanksgiving.  And then it will be time to start decorating!!

This is the first year in many years that I have waited until Thanksgiving to start Christmas but it's a very unusual year for me.  With DH's declining health plus dementia, and my own failing vision, things have gotten both more complicated and less so at the same time.  I can never go anywhere, so most of the time it's just me here .. no reason for the house to not stay clean once I do it.  But until at least January, I have to refrain from finding some other areas to purge and organize!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

2nd Week November 2013

I've completely lost track of what week number it is, but it doesn't really matter.  The end result is what counts, right? )

I've actually worked, to some degree, in every room.  Some more than others; but I've not just ignored any room (as I've ended up doing in past rotations).  This week I'm mainly back in my computer room.  With my failing vision, I realize there are an awful lot of things in here there's no need to hang on to (like years worth of HGP notebooks! LOL!).    I have some nice heavy cardboard boxes that I plan (depending on weather of course) to spray paint silver and gold .. that will add bling to the open shelving and I will store the junk I just can't let go of yet.  It's all about *containing* the mess now.   
I am trying hardd to *maintain* what I've done.  The kitchen, of course, is hardest; but since I cook less and less, it's getting easier! LOL!  
Each morning I do a quick walk-through and look for anything out of place.  Some days I really don't feel like bothering, but if I push myself to keep the "public" rooms neat, it really does become a habit!

My sewing project is not likely to get done, which is a big disappointment.  But, I absolutely cannot see well enough to thread bobbins (I can wind them, but can't get the thread started on them) or to thread the machine.  I've been trying for weeks, but the closest I've come to getting "help" is someone suggested I get the nosey little girls next door to help.

It also appears I won't be getting the help I usually get with  my decorations.  The inside stuff will have to be scaled back due to DH's needs (wheelchair, clear pathways, etc).  I don't know if there will be anything outside or not.

OK, for now I am going to concentrate on Thanksgiving.  At least 4 people I was hoping would be here are not coming.  But we still should have about 15 or 16 of us, which is a fair sized crowd for this house (the house itself isn't "small" .. but most of the rooms are!).  So I'm concentrating on having the house clean and as neat as possible, and planning menu.    
I have some fun events coming up in the next few weeks also.  Next weekend we're having a visit from nieces we haven't seen in a very long time.  I'm totally looking forward to that!  The weekend after that is (1) oppening of the local annual light show and candy store (a tradition to go see the lights!) and (2) a friend and some of her family will be coming to supper and going to the lights.  Usually I go, but this year I'll stay home with DH because (3) it will be our 34th anniversary.  
My goodness!!  My ready-for-Thanksgiving  got moved up a week and a half! :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November Table

November 2013

OK, I admit, I've completely lost track of my weekly count. However, it's the end result that counts, right? :)

It's still a few weeks until Thanksgiving, and I've at least touched on every room. 
So, I thought it would be good to do a room by room review of what's been done and what I'd still like to get done.

I started with the bedroom.  I actually managed to do more decluttering than I expected; but mostly I rearranged things.  As DH's condition changes, I make changes in the room to accomodate.  My most recent change was to put the electric wheelchair in there, sort of in a corner.  In a pinch it can be extra seating for someone visiting him.  Mostly it's in a no longer used corner and out of the way.   I got the windows and curtains cleaned.  I'm trying to keep up with routine dusting and vacuuming, which is a challenge because he spends a great deal of his time in bed now.

Next was the front hall.  In addition to a good cleaning, I purged the closets, and reorganized the shelves that hold supplies.  I plan to tackle the linen closet once more, hopefully this weekend.  I'm still working on getting my (huge) stock of decorative candles in a location that's easy to access.  I've also worked on making the hall easier to get his wheelchair through.

The hardest room to tackle was the guest room.  Since we never actually have guests - at least no overnight ones - it tended to be the junk room.  I worked very hard at getting all of the "extra stuff not just out of the room, but to find an actual home for it all.  Some of it went into donation boxes!  While I didn't do it all in the same week, I did go back and tackle a few other things.  I made more room on one large shelf unit by disposing of out of date supplies.  I cleaned out the closet.  And I cleaned out the drawers in 2 large dressers.  I moved furniture around (by getting rid of the big useless file cabinet), so the doll house has a pplace to be.  (I'd still like to sell it - but until I do, Butter has adopted one of the rooms as his own!)    Because I moved the electric wheelchair out, I had room to put a nice chair in, which also made the living room less cluttered.  I have a small octagonal table that was in the living room, but "tight".  I moved it to the guest room, which has now become a pretty little sitting room.

I never gave the front bathroom as good a cleaning as I meant to do.  But all of the cabinets and closets got purged and organized.  I also cleaned the window and changed out the curtain.  Since I clean it regularly, I'm reasonably content with that for now.

My room was also difficult to tackle.  There is a huge amount of *stuff* that needs to be gone through.  My vision has gotten so bad that it's getting more and more difficult to sort things.  It's also getting ridiculous how much *stuff* I hold on to when I know I'll never be able to use it. However, I have made progress.  There is less stuff cluttering up the floor now.  The sewing table is mostly cleared off (ready to try to sew if I ever get any help with threading bobbins and the machine).  
The room will probably always be a "work-in-progress".

I had to mostly skip the porch week.  (that's where my whole plan started to fall apart).  We've had very few nice days for working on it.  I did get a few plants inside before the cold snap.  And, my stepson got all of the cardboard that had accumulated off 2 weeks ago by burning it on one of the rare pretty days we had.  Of course, it's piled up again because when the boys put trash in the truck on Sunday afternoon, they keep skipping the cardboard. (It WILL go tomorrow!)
In theory sometime over the next couple of weeks a girlfriend is going to come help me get started on the outside Christmas decorating.  I've decided to scale way back this year.  Partly because any help I get is unreliable and eratic at best.  Also because I now have a family living next door with kids who play outside a lot.  They've pretty much taken over the center yard between our houses, so I won't try to put anything there.  And since they play soccer, the ball occasionally strays into my yard .. so I need to be careful how I put things up here too.  And - I just don't have the heart for it I've had in the past.

The back hall and laundry room were originally planned as 2 areas, but I did them all at once.  I still need to do a good cleaning; but they got a good purging and organizing done.  It's now much easier to go through the hall and to the back bathroom (which is where the litter boxes are, and where I store cat food).  This becomes more and more important as my vision fails!  

The living and dining rooms should have been next.  I am tackling one bookshelf at a time; but other than that, there's not really any purging needed.  Well, not a lot anyway, and what there is will wait and be a winter project.  I keeppp those rooms "company ready" as much as possible. I did get all of the "Halloween" items packed, only leaving out fall decorations.  The table is reset for November.

The den wasn't on my "Plan" for a few weeks, but I went on and tackled it.  Mostly all I did was rearrange furniture; but the end result is that the rooms looks much bigger and open.  Since I sleep in there, it was important to me to have as few obstacles as possible.  There's a lot of purging needed, but that's going to have to wait until winter.  I don't want any more boxes of stuff piling up at this point.

The only room left is the kitchen.  My friend has helped me purge and organize the refrigerator, the freezer, and 3 pantry cabinets.  There is one more cabinet to tackle.  All of the "dish cabinets" were done last year when I had help, and I have managed to keep them neat.  There are really only a few "hot spots" in the kitchen to tackle.

My revised goal at this point is to 
(1) continue to purge bookshelves
(2) have DSS take the 55 gallon aquarium and a large a/c unit out of the den so I can do a final room rearranging.
(3) get dead or dormant plants off porch
(4) get outside Christmas decorations in place (lights go on Thanksgiving night)
(5) begin packing up pictures and other non-fall stuff so that after Thanksgiving I'll be ready to decorate.
(6) get one last cabinet in the kitchen cleaned out
(7) give the whole house a thorough top-to-bottom cleaning
(8)IF I get the help I need, work like mad on my sewing project!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week 7, October 2013

I'm late posting, and getting myself a bit confused.  Last week was supposed to be porch week; but it has rained and/or drizzled, been cloudy and cold, for over a week now.  I did get the rest of my fall and Halloween decorations out of the barn, but nothing else on the porch.  
Since I couldn't do that, I made a head start on this week, which is my back hall.  
The back hall area includes the back door (rarely used except to go out to feed the cats), coat closet, bathroom (small and awkward, mostly used for storage and the cat's litter boxes) and laundry room.  I actually had the laundry room for a separate week, but I don't think I will do that.  
I went through the back hall area, and did a really good job of decluttering and organizing.  All I really need to do now is a good ("ordinary") cleaning.
I've been tackling random areas when the mood strikes.  I've cleaned out about half of the dresser drawers in the guest room.  Unfortunately, tht means more boxes of donation stuff sitting around!  But, I'll be able to ditch those later.
I've also been randomly cleaning bookshelves.  Well, actually, there was a sort of logic.  I found some pictures tucked away in the dresser drawers.  I decided I wante dthem out, not hidden away.  So I started trying to see what other shelves I could change around.  The biggest thing I need to do is cull more books.  It's the hardest thing for me to give up books; but the sad fact is, I can no longer read them.  

I did squeeze in a craft project.  This was my interpretation of one I saw on TV.  ("saw"?? LOL!  listened to anyway).  I took a bunch of fake mini pumpkins and gourds, smeared some Elmers on, and sprinkled/rolled in super-fine gold glitter.  Very pretty blingy fall accent. The original project was for candle holders (tea lights).  But since I collect glass candle holders, that seemed "overkill".  So instead I've tucked them into various places, like the dining room table, a bowl of leaves in the kitchen counter, etc.
I'll try to get some more pictures posted soon.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 6 October 2013

I want to start with a quick "wrap up" of the first five weeks:
Week 1, bedroom .. done, and has been maintained.
Week 2, front hall, done, more done in combination with other areas, and maintained.
Week 3, bathroom, cabinets and closets done; general wash down of window and walls not yet done.
Week 4, guest room,  done but for some minor items.
Week 5, my room, most of decluttering done but still needs a bit more in desk and sewing area, plus general cleaning.

I am now to Week 6 on my Plan.  This week is for the porch.  The timing is very deliberate: by early October, the weather is (or should be) more condusive to outside stuff.  It's time to turn off the sprinkler systems, and cull out the few plants that I will winter inside (although they don't actually have to be brought in yet).  It's time to get my few Halloween porch decorations (big lighted black cat and lighted grapevine pumpkin) out of the barn.  I will also change out my dining room table - the rest of the few Halloween decorations I use are placed now.

Rain is expected for Monday and maybe Tuesday, and then this hot spell should be over.  So until I can realistically do the porch work, I will work on finishing the items left from the last few weeks.
I'm also behind on the sewing project.  I'm going to have to get someone to help me with bobbins before I can continue that.

Still, all in all, I'm not so far off the Plan.  Even where I haven't finished, each room has been worked in to some degree.  A huge amount of decluttering has been done.

Next week is "back hall" (again, because of hopefully cooler weather since there's no a/c or heat back there). I've got a bit of a head start on that also.

I think I will manage to have the whole house reasonably clean and decluttered by the time my Plan calls for decorating.  I hope I'm going to be able to recruit some volunteers to help with that - if not, it will be a sad Christmas for me; but I can no longer do it all alone.  But that's a worry for another day. :)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 5 September/October 2013

Today starts a new week.  According to my schedule, this week is for tackling my room.  "My" room is where I have my computer, my sewing machines and fabric, my TV (that I currently can't watch due to wonky remotes), and a lot of general "stuff".  I've purged this room off and on over and over; and it's going to be a lot harder this time with the poor vision issue thrown in.  However, I have not yet finished the guest room from last week.  I've made significant progress at least.  
I have a huge file cabinet I'm ready to get rid of; I'm hoping DSS will take it off for scrap metal.  That leaves me with 2 large totes full of stuff to be sorted; but that project may well have to wait.  I did manage to find a place to put both a table that was in the way and the huge dollhouse.
It's quite tempting to just stop and start on my room; and then catch up both rooms when I get to "Living Room" week.  But I don't want to leave anything unfinished, so I'll keep working on the guest room and try to work on my room as well. I hope making clear progress will be my motivation to keep going! LOL!
I'm Way behind on my sewing.  I admit, that's partly because I know I'm on my last bobbin again.  If I could get someone to help me get a pile of bobbins threaded again, and the machine threaded, I could make better progress there.  
I'm not doing as well as I had hoped.  But considering all the circumstances, I guess it will have to do!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 4, September 2013

I know I'm late posting this.  My morning schedule has been changed and I'm now having a hard time getting things done.

I admit, I never finished the bathroom; but I did get the closets and cabinets done.  The rest I can add in little at a time.  It's big for a bathroom, but still a small room and only one small window.

This week is the Guest Room.  It's a disaster, and I can hardly wrap my mind around working on it.  But, it must be done.  I did make a tiny bit of progress in there over the weekend.  A few larger items were passed on to new homes.  I hope sometime today to take several boxes of donation stuff to the car.  If I can get it that far, I have a better chance of getting it to the proper donation site.  Eventually!  I still have some large items to deal with.  I have a huge doll house that I plan to try to sell (Craig's List).  I was so excited when I found it at a flea market - I've always wanted one.  But I find my vision is much too poor to be able to enjoy it.  I can't even see well enough to use the wallpapers I got for it.  And, having said that - if I could find a place I'd still keep it.  There's a huge file cabinet in one corner.  I'm not even sure what's in it, but I eel like it's things that can be either gotten rid of or at least just stored in boxes.  Theres no place to put it where it's actually useful - and it's ugly!!  I'd really like to just get rid of it.  I *think* if I move that out, and rearrange some storage boxes, I can put a table in that corner (that is currently also in the way).  And the doll house could sit on the table.

Before I can get to that, I lot has to be done.  There are 2 plastic drawer cabinets that need better homes.  There are some out-of-date supply boxes that I need to get rid of; and that would free up mor shelf space.

I have to go in the room and work around the perimeter, deciding what has to go - and where.  What a challenge!  

I made progress on the sewing project over the weekend; but I fear I'm soon to another stopping point.  I'm nearly out of bobbins again.

Since I didn't finish and post on Monday, I'm adding to this on Tuesday morning.  I got a bit more done in the guest room.  I pulled out all the donation stuff and put by the dining room door - today I will put it in the car.  There was some empty space in the top of the closet, so I rearranged some things to make better use of that space.  I ended up getting all the junk off the sofa, which was a good accomplishment.  I'm pretty much down to having to move bigger things.  

I will try to post a progress report later in the week.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Week 3, Midway

There have been a few things going on (as usual) to interfere with my plans.  But all things considered, I'm not doing too bad.  
This week is the front bathroom.  I have cleaned out the linen closet, the shelf in my closet, the under sink cabinets, and a big wall cabinet.  I may re-address the bottom of the linen closet; but other than that, it's just down to a good basic deep clean.  I have 3 days of the week left to get that done, so hopefully I will.
I'm not doing as well as I hoped with keeping up my routine cleaning.  But at least the house is decocrated nicely, and it's not cluttered (except for the trash that always seems to be piled up near the door).  I really hope to get vacuuming done today; but I won't be embarrassed if anyone wer to drop in unexpected.
On the sewing, it's going much slower than I hoped.  That is mostly because of my vision.  It's so hard to do it that I put it off (even though it actually doesn't take very long once I settle down to it!).  I have at least continued with pinning when I have a chance.  I will probably end up next month rushing to get the sewing projects done.  But as long as I finish by  the end of November I'll be OK.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 3, September 2013

I am pleased to say that as far as my "deep cleaning" rooms, I'm still on track with my Plan.  The only thing not yet done for Week 2, front hall, is to vacuum. It's hard to get that done around DH's sleeping, but it will get done with the regular weekly vacuuming anyway.  
I only cleaned the top shelf in his closet, and did not go all the way to the top 2 shelves in the linen closet.  But the Scentsy warmers are where I can easily change them out, the linens that are actually used are within reach, and the big tub of random linens has been sorted and purged.  I may re-address this closet later, but for now it's good.
On my sewing, not so good.  I'm disappointed in myself to say I got none done, although I did get a lot of the pinning done.  In fact, I ran out of pins!  I think the biggest reason is that I can't watch the TV in my room, and I do like to have it on while I'm sewing.  It gives my eyes a break from the super close looking down.  
This coming week is the front bathroom.  That is an exceptionally large room.  There are 2 sinks, but one is shut off (always leaks, and can do without it).  Both sinks (they are in different locations - pretty sure the bathroom was enlarged at some point)  have a cabinet underneath to be cleaned out, and there is a wall-hung cabinet to clean.  There is a good sized linen closet, and also my main clothes closet (out of season in guest room closet).  The only thing in my closet that needs attention is the top shelf, but the linen closet needs a good overhaul.  This room could take longer; but also, I don't have to work around DH's schedule to do it.
My fall decorating is done.  I will post pictures of the tree later ... I want to get ones with the lights off (now) and with them on (in the afternoon and again in the evening).  It's very tricky to put pretty things out to accomodate spoiled cats!  
I will also post separately pictures of other areas with fall decorations.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week 2, Midway

I'm posting mid week because I'm happy to say that I am on track with the cleaning program.  I finished the bedroom, including curtains.  
The hall went much quicker than I expected, and I got it done in one afternoon.  I will admit, though, I didn't do a complete closet overhaul.  In DH's closet, I could only tackle the top shelf, which I was able to nearly empty.  In the linen closet, I didn't get the step ladder to check the top shelf.  It's built strangely, and each shelf gets extremely deep to the side of the door.  I did manage to reorganize a lot of it.  I have a blank spot on the shelf to put my Scentsy burners.  I hope when I get those down I can come up with a system to keep specific holiday burners and runners together.  That way even if I don't get anything else done, I can at least have that little bit (easily accessible) for each holiday.  Oh, and I didn't vacuum the hall yet; but everything else is done.  The top of the shelving is all nice and cleared off - makes me want to put something decorative up there! LOL!

I am behind on my sewing, although I've gotten a lot of pillow covers pinned and ready to sew.  In fact, I've completely run out of pins, so now I Must get sewing done! Although it's tempting to start on next week's room (front bathroom), I will resist and get to the sewing machine. 

I'm also a little behind on "regular" cleaning, but I hope I can dredge up a bit of motivation to knock that out today.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fall Table

The tablecloth is a piece of fabric I found in the discount section of an online shop.  The dishes and amber glasses were thrift shop finds.  The napkin rings are a craft project my friend made (toilet paper tubes, jute string, dollar store flowers!)

2nd Week of September 2013

I did not do as well as I hoped for the first week.  In my defense, I have to say that I've only had limited windows of time to work on it.  I started with the bedroom; and while it didn't need much in the way of decluttering, I also couldn't get in it as much as I hoped because DH spends the majority of his day in bed.  
I did make some progress.  I got all the way around the perimeter of the room with dusting, and organizing where it was possible.  I was not able to get the windows and cutains done (yet) - I couldn't get the curtains through the laundry because when DH was up and out of the room I also had to do laundry for his bed.
Even though a new week starts today, I urgently need to do some rearranging in the bedroom.  My stepson and his girlfriend will be over today to help with that.  I'm hoping to get the curtains and windows donetoo, but I'll have to wait and see how that goes.

I did not get as far along with the sewing project as I had hoped.  I ran into some problems (had to wind bobbins; and rethread the machine several times.  It keeps unthreading, and I don't know why.  Very limited vision is making the rethreading extremely difficult and frutrating!).  However, I have gotten a lot of the pinning done, so when I do have chances to sit and sew I have a lot ready to go.

I forgot to put fall decorating on my list.  That surprises me, as I love fall decorations only 2nd best to Christmas ones.  I got a good start done on it, but have one more box I haven't brought downstairs yet.  I'm pretty sure I got all the summery things packed up (and my pillows all look naked because the runners and pillow covers are in that last box! LOL!)

I'm having trouble (with myself) fitting room-of-the-week projects and sewing projects in with the everyday things that must be done and the weekly cleaning. It's very hard to work out a schedule, since I have to work around a lot of unpredictability. But, I'm getting there.

I haven't taken pictures of everything yet, but I did take ones of the dining table. I will put them in another post (so it won't slow this one for anyone who doesn't want to bother with pictures).  

Sunday, September 1, 2013

First Week of September 2013

The official "Holiday Grand Plan" (see Yahoo groups if interested) starts today.  My personal Plan also starts today.  Having been on HGP (and GP the rest of the year) for many years, I have learned an enormous amount about organizing and scheduling.  While there is always room for improvement, I've come a long way.  Even though I no longer belong to the group (my failing vision made keeping up with the emails to hard), I am forever grateful for what I learned; and I do miss the people.  (I've kept up on line friendships with a few.  I wish there were more, but people all have such busy lives these days - little time for friendships even with those close, much less on liners).

I satrted my plan "unofficially" in August with prep work for my Christmas sewing project.  I got behind, but in the end I actually did finish everything I put on the chart I made for myself.  The plan was to have all the fabric pieces cut out, ready to be pinned together and then sewn.  I did finish cutting.  I hope everything fits together properly - with such bad vision, I'm not sure I cut as precisely as I would have wished.  
According to my plan, I am to stitch together all pieces for 2 holidays this week.  The actual sewing time is minimal  I didn't account for the time involving in pinning; but that is something I can easily do while sitting and watching TV.  The big roadblock for me is going to be getting a bunch of bobbins wound.  The thread has to go through a tiny hold in clear plastic to be wound - and it is near impossible for me to see that.  Once I get the bobbins done, the machine won't be quite as hard.  It has a threader, but I can't make it work.  I can, however, use a regular needle threader - that has worked for me in the past.  

The cleaning project for this week is the bedroom.  I start there simply because other rooms fit into my schedule, and my anticipated weather, better - leaving the bedroom by default.  There's actually little I can do there since that is my husband's domain as well as his "sick room".  There is much medical equipment that has to be there.  I have over the summer moved as much "extra" stuff as I can out - leaving room for moving around, getting him in and out of his wheelchair, nurse and aides, as well as a place for visitors that come when he isn't up.  
So, I plan to tackle one wall at a time (Monday through Thursday, and the floor Friday).  I will wipe down woodwork, pictures, wash windows, etc.  I want to take down and wash the curtains too.  In the process, if I come across more stuff that can be eliminated, it will go; but he doesn't like to let go of anything, so I doubt there will be much removed.  I hope to be able to find homes elsewhere in the house for at least a few things.

I may not post daily on my progress, but will try to update during the week.  At the very least I will post each Sunday with my progress.

I have tried to invite followers and readers, but haven't been very successful.  For those of you who do read - I welcome comments and/or emails ( ) .  I'd love to hear if you're following a plan how you're doing on it too.

In November, I plan to have a drawing.  I will draw out one name at random (using a computer program) from all who commented or emailed to receive one set of the holiday pillow covers I'm making.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Last Week of August

I am way behind on my schedule, but I'm going to try to get as caught up as I can this week.  The new fabrics I ordered came, and I've made a good start on cutting out the pieces I need.The biggest hold up I have now is my sewing machine.  I need to wind a bunch more bobbins; but I'm having trouble with that.  I can't see well enough to get the thread started through the little hole in the bobbin.  Last week I finally got one done - and then couldn't get it to wind properly.  I finally discovered it was because in my anxiety to get that part right, I had completely forgotten to place the thread through the proper hooks and things.  
Since then I've gotten a new, much larger, spool of thread.  If I can manage to get all the bobbins I have filled, and then get the machine threaded, I *should* be good for a long time!

My "Plan" starts next week.  The first room on my plan is the bedroom.  I will try very hard to give it a good dusting, and eliminate as much extra clutter as I can.  I've done a great deal of that over the last few weeks.  Since that's DH's room, there's a lot I can't do anything about but get as neat as I can.  I'd love to get rid of some of the junk; but truthfully, it just wouldn't look right under the circumstances.  And his son would be extremely unhappy with me - he won't even take stuff with him that DH tries to give him.

Anyway, I'll do what I can; but hopefully I'll be on track with my sewing project as well.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sewing projects

These are 3 of the tablecloths and 2 runners I've completed (except pressing).  They're not meant to be gifts (though I *could* change my mind).

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Middle of August

It's not quite the end of the 3rd week, but approximately the middle of August (actually a little past that).
I've actually gotten all the fabric I had cut out for my pillow covers; but I decided I didn't have as much variation as I wanated.  I went online and found some fabric on sale, and found the other pieces I wanted.  So I won't the though cutting out until they get here.
I also cut. or designated, several pieces of fabric for tablecloths and runner.  I have gotten hems pinned in most of them, and got started pinning  together the covers. I plan to stitch up the cloths and runners, and get them washed and ironed and put in place (some will get packed with holiday stuff, others in the regular linen drawer).  Then I will continue pinning covers.  I think the new fabrics will get here before I finish all of that, so I will have to stop and get those cut out.
Once it's all cut and pinned, the actual sewing really won't take long.  I just hope I can get to it before my vision get too much worse.

The cleaning part of my Plan doesn't start until the first of September.  But, I ahve been doing well at keeping things uncluttered, and getting basic cleaning done.  So when it's time to do room by room detail cleaning, it won't be all that hard to do.

My tree looks funny now.  It was so beautiful - lovely large flowers that I can see well.  But all the white lights on the top half stopped working; and all the red lights on the bottom stopped working.  So I'm going to have to get up in the attic and dig out more lights, completely strip the tree to fix the lights, then put it back together.  Since it won't get changed more than to add fall touches, it's worth it to go ahead and do that.  That will probably be my project for next week, as I don't think I have time today.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Third week in August

It's already nearly the middle of August, and I'm way behind.  There has been so much "company" ... people coming to see DH, plus my neighbor who keeps coming over (uninvited and unannounced).  I just can't bring myself to shut the door in her face, though I have (rarely) told her it's not a good time.  

One positive thing I've done is start a new group.  I posted on FB about looking for a "Clutter Buddy" to help each other stay on track by being accountable.  Two ladies responded, so the 3 of us are a group.   That way the email won't be overwhelming for me.  

I have cut all the fall fabric, the Valentine fabric, and some special flamingo fabric I got for my DGD.  By the end of August I still have to cut out Easter, St. Pats, patriotic, and Halloween fabrics.  I don't know when I will carve out the time, but I need to do it so I can sew on schedule.

Because the neighbor irritated me by saying she would come help me clean my kitchen, I've been doing some "extra" things in there.  That sort of puts me ahead, but "kitchen" isn't on my list for quite a few weeks!  I need to remember that anything I clean now is not a waste of time just because I'll have to do it again later! LOL!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Late summer into Fall tree

First Week in August 2013

I always start out well, but fizzle.  There really are too many distractions.  And, with other things going on (life does go on you know!), I don't always have time - or energy - to complete my own check list.
But, I will start out trying to keep track of my progress.

CEncouragement helps.  I can't find anyone to "buddy up" with.  Plus, I sort of have to make my own schedule based on what works here - working around a lot of fall birthdays for example.  But comments at least would be very welcome.  Suggestions or even criticism (as long as it's constructive), are welcome.

So, today is August 1st.  My plan begins.  Well, technically it began last Sunday.  Before next Sunday I should have all the fabric cut for 2 seasons of pillow covers.  So far I've got part of one done, and nearly completed a second - for the first season.  I still need to do at least one more set of fabrics to stay on target.  It's already Thursday .. and we'll have company today.   Plus, we'll have company all day Saturday.  So, this afternoon and tomorrow - and evenings - are it.  As soon as I get the house clean, and after company comes and goes, I'll at the very least finish the one fabric today.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Nearly Tiime to Get Started

The HGP doesn't actually start until the beginning of September.  So, that leaves me this week (only a few days of July left) and August to "prepareP.  I already have a schedule of sorts, so I thought I'd go on and post it.  Then I will have to work on keeping myself accountable!
AJuly and ugust: cut out fabric for Christmas pillow cases.  Clean out refrigerators and freezers.  Have excess furniture removed.  Change out red/white/blue decorating. Reorganize front hall.  Continue to cull out clothes to donate.  Clean front linen closet and make room to bring down Scentsy burners.
Week 1: Clean bedroom:  Work on continuing to declutter; wash curtains and windows; organize DH's supplies.
Includes Labor Day - nothing celebrated here.
Sew all Valentine covers.
Week 2: Clean front hall: continue cleaning linen closet if not done; organize shelving; clean DH's closet.
Sew all St. Pat covers.
Week 3: Clean bathroom: cleann both closets; clean all cabinets. Begin on next week's room.
Sew all Easter covers.
Week 4: Clean guest room: clean closet; clean dresser drawers; purge shelving at end of sofa; consider getting rid of tall file cabinet.
Sew all patriotic covers.
Week t5: Clean computer/sewing room: continue to purge clutter.
Sew all fall covers.
Week 6: Clean porch: cull out any dead plants; clean storage area; sweep; get rid of any excess cardboard.
DS's birthday (10/9).
Sew all Halloween covers.
Week 7: Clean back hall, including bathroom and closet.
Sew any remaining unfinished cover.
Week 8: Clean laundry room: clean cover over sink; clear any excess clutter on floor; organize closet.
DH's birthday (10/22)
Begin family Christmas shopping.
Week 9: Clean den: declutter shelving; clear back corner; clean undr-bar shelving and all junk behind recliners.
Set up wrapping area, wrap gifts as purchased.
Week 10: Put up yard decorations.
Nieces birthdays (11/7 & 11/9)
Week 11: Clean kitchen: wipe down cabinets, clean out fridges; clean microwave; declutter where needed, scrub floor.
Try to finish shopping; begin baking.
Week Clean living room: clean desk shelves and drawers; declutter shelving; vacuum furniture.
DIL's birthday (11/20)
Anniversary #34 (11/23)
Begin decorating.
Week 13: Clean dining room.
Thanksgiving (11/28)
Continue decorating.
Week 14: Week beginning 12/01/13: complete decorating; finish shopping & wrapping; continue baking.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 2013

I know I Seriously dropped the ball on this blog.  I won't *promise* to do any better this year, but I will try.  Things always change; but around here, the changes have been pretty drastic.  Things could change even more drastically this year (the degree of probability depends on who you talk to!).
HGP starts up sometime in August I think.  They never put the schedule up until the last minute.  And I never follow the schedule exactly anyway.  But, this year should be easier on the cleaning end of things.  I've been going through my house for the past few years, cleaning and purging as I go. Unlike in the past, I won't be leaving the house as much, and *should* be able to schedule things better.  
I already have a set amount of $$ set aside for Christmas; but following the plan on shopping just doesn't work for me.  I can't buy the grands' gifts that far ahead, not being sure what to get.  And of course there are still at least 4 birthdays between now and then.
My decorating will have to change a lot this year too.  Because of DH's health I've had to rearrange several rooms; and that will effect decoration placement.  But, I'm sure I'll work something out.  Much as I hate to admit it, I will probably have to scale back a little.

I will have to check last year's notes - if I made any - about what to do/not do this year.  But then again, as I said, things are different now, so maybe last year's notes wouldn't help me much.

Anyway, this is just to say - to myself mainly - that I'm going to try to follow HGP, or at least a modified version of it - again this year.My goal is to have the whole house clean (which shouldn't be an issue now, as I mostly keep it clean), go through every shelf, drawer, closet and box and purge, do all my shopping and wrapping by Thanksgiving.  And to finish decorating by the end of the weekend after Thanksgiving so that December is free to just enjoy.  I know I can't go to the shows and parades and such that I love, but I can watch the TV specials, and I can have  (or TRY to have) friends and family over here.  And maybe I can bake, if I can get someone to help with recipes (I have some enlarged; I may need someone to type up some and email so I can enlarge and print).

A very lofty goal of course - but unless DH's (or my) health takes a drastic turn for the worse, as long as I keep my goal in mind and don't get discouraged, it's quite doable.