The first thing I know is that trying to blend 2 different systems just won't work. I have to have ONE plan and stick to it. So, I'm opting for the Holiday Grand Plan.
This year officially kicked off last Sunday, August 28th. The first week is for organizing my notebook, making lists, and generally getting ready and enthusiastic about starting. Next week is front porch, but it seems a lot of the ladies have already started that. For some reason my life has gotten complicated recently, so I'm not sure what I'll get done; but I know I'm sure going to give it my best effort.
Sunday I printed forms and assembled my notebook.
Monday I worked .. it was my last day of work, and I am now retired. I worked more on getting the notebook better organized.
Tuesday I took DH to dialysis, then had lunch with my sister, niece, and great-nephew. They then came to my (clean and decluttered!) house to visit. After they went home, I picked up DH, then we did a bit of shopping, and got some dinner. That evening I didn't get much done.
Today DH had an appointment in Durham. It wasn't at the regular clinic, but close to one of those huge new shopping centers on the far side (took an extra half hour to get there). The appointment didn't take long, so we checked out the Home Depot. I got a few items from my "Home Spruce Up" list. I also got a birthday gift for a step son that I've been searching for! We stopped at one more store and I got a watering system for my cat (moving waater). Now I just have to figure out where to put it so it can be plugged in!!
Today is the last day I can decide what email I need to keep from my old mail box. By tomorrow I have to cancel the service and the mailbox will no longer be accessible. So, that's a priority. I also hope to have time to start working on checking off some of the list making for HGP. There are many lists to be completed this week.
Tomorrow I have to go pick up a girlfriend, take DH to dialysis, take her to run an errand, then come back home to get some yard work done. What I'm hoping is that she will tackle the garden (try to "fix" some storm/wind damage), and I have a portion of my porch that needs attention. The "main" porch looks great. The hidden area behind it - had to leave open for water heater to be accessible - is way too full of junk. My ultimate plan for this week/next week is to finish getting that area completely cleaned out and organized, and also clean (again) the area on the far end of the porch, semi walled off, where lawnmower and other such stuff live. The yard is not officially on The Plan, but I hope in the Very Near future to get a lot of trash hauled away.
Friday I have a hair appointment. After that I will probably go get my girlfriend again, and we'll continue the garden/porch projects. Also on Friday, hopefully, some one is coming to install new equipment so we can have TV service back, having been without since last Saturday.
Saturday morning I'm getting a (2nd) truckload of a gravel mix for my driveway. In the 10 years here, most of the old gravel has vanished; and in quite a few places, the driveway itself has become overgrown with grass. I had the first load put down, but it wasn't dumped where I wanted it, so I wasn't able to cover all the worst areas. I'm really hoping this will finally finish .. I consider getting this done a big part of the "curb appeal" of the house! Also Saturday I'll be taking DH to dialysis and picking him up later. I think I'll be getting the girlfriend, and garden/porch/yard work to continue.
The second week officially starts Sunday, so Sunday and Monday I will continue with the porch. If/when I finish, I will keep up with ordinary housekeeping. Next week will be a busy week; but I will save that for next week's blog!