My vacation officially started when I clocked out of work this afternoon. Of course, I'm not counting the work I had to bring home ... just not enough hours in the day to finish the end-of-month reports I need to do. I'm hoping to finish those tonight, and then will be on to my schedule.
This is what I've been working towards all these months. I know I won't stick exactly to my plan, but generally, this is what is lined up:
Saturday: catch up laundry, a few household chores, and some shopping
Sunday: pack up fall decorations, take tubs upstairs; clean the bare surfaces & vacuum, and touch up cleaning; move furniture where needed
Monday: get trees in place (except large tree and stairwell tree); change curtains; get linens (mantle scarf, etc) in place
Tuesday: get container plants inside and in place; begin placing collections; start decorating trees
Wednesday: put covers on sofa & pillows; change wall pictures; bring wrapping supplies down; decide on additional deco and pack up rest; work on trees; decorate stairs
Thursday: finish deco, except trees (work on them in evenings and when I can); give house a once-over with duster & vacuum; catch up laundry; do baking and sewing if time
Friday: go to Winston Salem (to visit parents)
Saturday: visit parents
Sunday: home from W/S; catch up laundry
Monday: back to work.
I will try to post daily how well I do on this schedule!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Week Seventeen October 2009
This week was originally scheduled as a "catch up" week. But, since I managed to stay fairly well on schedule, I gave myself (another) playday. My friend and I went to the NC State Fair. I don't think I've been to the Fair for close to 30 years! My family always went when we were kids ... a few rides, a few games, some cotton candy. As a "grown-up" (yes, by some people that's questionable ... but sometimes I have fun! LOL!) I'm not at all interested in the rides or games. Jimmy isn't especially interested in the exhibits (a few, but not all); and in any case, he couldn't last more than an hour, tops, and would have to sit down to wait. And my friend's dad and son are both only interested in the rides, and have no patience for her to go through exhibits. So, we went. We had no one wanting to drag us off this way or that; no one bored with what we wanted to see. We had SO MUCH FUN!!
I picked her up close to 10 am, and we drove to Raleigh (about 45 minutes), and parked the car. We rode a bus to the fairgrounds, and were there by 11:30. We went through every exhibit building ... arts and crafts of every imaginable kind; we saw all the animals (sadly, not allowed to pet any of them); we saw fabulous gardens (and got caught in the rain!). We ate deep fried Reese Cups (like a Reese Cup tucked inside a doughnut ... wonderful!); and chocolate covered bacon ("Pig Lickers" ... much much better than it sounds); homemade ice cream. We ate huge sloppy sandwiches (steak and cheese for me, polish sausage for her) for dinner, and brought home candy apples, caramel apples, and fudge! (oh, and some Moravian stars that can hang or be used as candle holders). I got an autograph from one of the local weathermen (my 2nd favorite, Mike, after Greg who wasn't there).
We roamed back and forth several times ... ducking inside buildings during showers, and strolling around in between (or when it was only a light sprinkle). By shortly after 8:00 we had seen everything there was to see, and decided we were too tired to wait another hour for fireworks.
We took the bus back to the car, and headed home. On the way home we had the only "negative" incident of the whole day (well, aside from the batteries in my camera dieing!). The car in front of us braked suddenly, then pulled over. I was going very slow, trying to figure out why it stopped; meantime a car came from the other direction. In it's headlights, Andrea spotted something in the road. I thought it was a deer - fortunately, going slow enough to pull off behind the first car. It was NOT a deer!! She had hit a man who had apparently darted out in front of her! The poor lady was histerical!! I had my cell in my hand and had already dialed 911 when I realized that a man (don't even know where he came from) was beside the road and already talking to Rescue. Several people stopped, and at one point they were giving him CPR. After a few minutes, I realized that the situation was under control, Rescue was on the way, and I was probably in the way. With some help from other people around, I managed to back up enough to get back on the road and on my way. We passed the First Responders and Police on their way to the scene. I was a bit shaken, but the rest of the way home was thankfully uneventful!
I have attached a few (very few) pictures from our day.
This is a view of the big ferris wheel (the only thing I might have been tempted to ride, but not with that stormy sky!)
Our fiargrounds have this wonderful dramaic waterfall, that is a permanent fixture.

This was in the gardens ... Andrea waving ... and way in the background you can see our locally famous "monster"! LOL!

I picked her up close to 10 am, and we drove to Raleigh (about 45 minutes), and parked the car. We rode a bus to the fairgrounds, and were there by 11:30. We went through every exhibit building ... arts and crafts of every imaginable kind; we saw all the animals (sadly, not allowed to pet any of them); we saw fabulous gardens (and got caught in the rain!). We ate deep fried Reese Cups (like a Reese Cup tucked inside a doughnut ... wonderful!); and chocolate covered bacon ("Pig Lickers" ... much much better than it sounds); homemade ice cream. We ate huge sloppy sandwiches (steak and cheese for me, polish sausage for her) for dinner, and brought home candy apples, caramel apples, and fudge! (oh, and some Moravian stars that can hang or be used as candle holders). I got an autograph from one of the local weathermen (my 2nd favorite, Mike, after Greg who wasn't there).
We roamed back and forth several times ... ducking inside buildings during showers, and strolling around in between (or when it was only a light sprinkle). By shortly after 8:00 we had seen everything there was to see, and decided we were too tired to wait another hour for fireworks.
We took the bus back to the car, and headed home. On the way home we had the only "negative" incident of the whole day (well, aside from the batteries in my camera dieing!). The car in front of us braked suddenly, then pulled over. I was going very slow, trying to figure out why it stopped; meantime a car came from the other direction. In it's headlights, Andrea spotted something in the road. I thought it was a deer - fortunately, going slow enough to pull off behind the first car. It was NOT a deer!! She had hit a man who had apparently darted out in front of her! The poor lady was histerical!! I had my cell in my hand and had already dialed 911 when I realized that a man (don't even know where he came from) was beside the road and already talking to Rescue. Several people stopped, and at one point they were giving him CPR. After a few minutes, I realized that the situation was under control, Rescue was on the way, and I was probably in the way. With some help from other people around, I managed to back up enough to get back on the road and on my way. We passed the First Responders and Police on their way to the scene. I was a bit shaken, but the rest of the way home was thankfully uneventful!
I have attached a few (very few) pictures from our day.
This is a view of the big ferris wheel (the only thing I might have been tempted to ride, but not with that stormy sky!)
Our fiargrounds have this wonderful dramaic waterfall, that is a permanent fixture.
This was in the gardens ... Andrea waving ... and way in the background you can see our locally famous "monster"! LOL!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Week Sixteen, October 2009
This weekend was scheduled "off" from the beginning of my plan. It was the MOST WONDERFUL weekend! Jimmy and I left when I got off work last Wednesday night, and went to Winston Salem. Thursday morning we went to my parent's apartment, and Daddy cooked breakfast. (he actually let me help a little, which was probably the first time in history!!). We sat around and watched TV and visited until early afternoon. My brother had taken Mama for a doctor's appointment, and we were waiting to hear the results. It was not good news. Her fractured bone is not healing, and she has to be completely non-weight-bearing for 6 more weeks (which means she has to stay in the nursing home). We took Daddy over to visit Mama for awhile, and then took Daddy home, and had dinner with him in the dining room. It was "Oktoberfest", with German foods on the buffet. The rest of the evening I stood around being a nuisance while Pat and Joyce made sandwiches and gathered things together.
Friday morning we (meaning mostly Pat of course) got his truck loaded up, and we were on the road by 8:00. We made a quick McD breakfast stop, and then he took us to the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was a wonderful ride. The weather was very overcast and drippy at times; but a few times the clouds parted for glimpses of blue sky. We were told the color was not at it's best; but since I've never been up there before, it was glorious to me! I took a lot of pictures, and hopefully some of them will be good (will be posted in another message). There were also some times that we were riding right in the clouds ... no visibility at all! Spooky. :) Pat is an excellent driver, and while it was eerie, it was not scary. (yet! LOL!). We made a couple of stops. One was at the Mineral Museum; one was at a Craft Fair Shop (unfortunately, no pictures allowed) full of wonderful handmade things; and also a stop for a picnic lunch. We did have to take one detour off the Parkway, where a section was closed because of potential rock falls. Also, the highest peak - something over 6000 feet ... was one of the fogged in places, so no pictures.
We got to the Abbey Inn in Maggie Valley around 7:00. The rooms had been left unlocked for us, so we got the truck unloaded and everything into the rooms. Then, if was off to dinner at Arfs. We had a lovely dinner (shrimp linguini for me)! Since it was late, had been a long day, and was rainy, we called it an early night and went back to the hotel ... where Jimmy and I went to sleep way earlier than "normal"!
Saturday morning we didn't rush, and got a lazy start to the day. We went to The Mountaineer for breakfast (french toast), and enjoyed their "million dollar view". Pat then took us all into Ashville. We had thought about driving through the Biltmore grounds ... but .... at $55 a person just to go in the gates ... no way! What a disappointment. I've always wanated to go there, but with those ridiculous prices, I never will!! Instead, we went in to explore an "art shop" .. I think the name is New Morning Gallery. We spent hours in there, and yes! I took lots of pictures. They had the most wonderful (and extraordinarily expensive) things. It was still gray and drizzly; and we rode around a bit more. Pat was looking for a specific place for gas (diesel), plus a KFC. Personally, I just enjoyed the riding around and seeing Ashville! We did get what we needed, and headed for the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. We went to Cataloochee Valley, which meant riding up over a mountain ... at the top, only a very narrow dirt road! It was snowing at the top, but just rain (not steady) at the lower areas. We got to the valley, and got to see a lot of elk. We even had the rare treat of seeing/hearing one bugle, calling his harem together. We ate our KFC in the truck (too cold and wet to get out - which meant that poor Cindy got stuck in the (covered) truck bed until we finished!). It was absolutely fascinating watching the elk, as well as the whole area was picturesque! It was getting dark, so we headed out. By the time we got higher, it was snowing hard! It was very pretty, even though dangerous (dark and slick). The snow continued to a lower elevation, but it had stopped by the time we got back to the valley. We went on back to the motel, and had another early night (although I sat up a bit late watching NCIS reruns! LOL!).
Sunday morning we woke up to ... SNOW!!! OK, it wasn't a "lot"; but there was a clear layer on cars, tops of shrubs, porch railings. From the motel porch the view of the higher mountain tops showed a blanket of snow over the trees. It was cold, but not damp (mostly clear blue sky at that point). We gathered up all of our gear, Pat loaded the truck, and we were on the road before 9:00. Once we got out of the valley, we made a quick stop for breakfast at McD's (one more iced mocha "fix"!! Yum!!), then came on home. Sadly, no Parkway this time - we had places to be. We arrived back at Pat's house by shortly after noon, in plenty of time to unload the truck and change clothes.
We went over to Salemtowne, and met up with George & Ann, and Barbara and her girls (plus Kris). (OK, I admit to a bit of confusion now - don't remember who brought Daddy over!). We got Mama safely into her car, and a caravan of 4 vehicles went over to Golden Corrall. We supposedly had a "reserved" room, although it was opened up later. It really didn't matter, as we were pretty much together ... and ate ourselves silly of course! LOL!
After the meal, we went back to a living room at the nursing home where we took lots of pictures and just enjoyed visiting. We stayed until Barbara & the girls had to leave; so George & Ann took Daddy home; Barbara & the girls went back to Raleigh; and Jimmy & I went back home with Pat & Joyce.
It was still early, and we had a nice evening visiting. I wish Barbara could have stayed for that too. Still, it was especially nice getting to visit with George & Ann since I see them so rarely.
Monday morning Jimmy and I went with George & Ann, picked up Daddy, and went to Mayberry's for breakfast. We went back to the apartment and visited a bit. We went back to Pat's house and left Jimmy to have a nap, and I went with George & Ann. After a stop at Sam's Club (for party supplies), we went to play cards with Mama. When the nurse came to take Mama to her dinner, we said our (sad) good byes. We all went back to Homestead for dinner with Daddy. After dinner, George & Ann took Daddy back over to see Mama again. Pat & Joyce took Jimmy and I back to their house to gather our stuff.
We got everything loaded into the car, and were on the road by about 7:15 or so; and home by about 10:15. We only took what was most important out of the car, started a load of laundry ... and to bed! The house was very cold ... tonight I will get an extra quilt!
Today everything is "back to normal".
Friday morning we (meaning mostly Pat of course) got his truck loaded up, and we were on the road by 8:00. We made a quick McD breakfast stop, and then he took us to the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was a wonderful ride. The weather was very overcast and drippy at times; but a few times the clouds parted for glimpses of blue sky. We were told the color was not at it's best; but since I've never been up there before, it was glorious to me! I took a lot of pictures, and hopefully some of them will be good (will be posted in another message). There were also some times that we were riding right in the clouds ... no visibility at all! Spooky. :) Pat is an excellent driver, and while it was eerie, it was not scary. (yet! LOL!). We made a couple of stops. One was at the Mineral Museum; one was at a Craft Fair Shop (unfortunately, no pictures allowed) full of wonderful handmade things; and also a stop for a picnic lunch. We did have to take one detour off the Parkway, where a section was closed because of potential rock falls. Also, the highest peak - something over 6000 feet ... was one of the fogged in places, so no pictures.
We got to the Abbey Inn in Maggie Valley around 7:00. The rooms had been left unlocked for us, so we got the truck unloaded and everything into the rooms. Then, if was off to dinner at Arfs. We had a lovely dinner (shrimp linguini for me)! Since it was late, had been a long day, and was rainy, we called it an early night and went back to the hotel ... where Jimmy and I went to sleep way earlier than "normal"!
Saturday morning we didn't rush, and got a lazy start to the day. We went to The Mountaineer for breakfast (french toast), and enjoyed their "million dollar view". Pat then took us all into Ashville. We had thought about driving through the Biltmore grounds ... but .... at $55 a person just to go in the gates ... no way! What a disappointment. I've always wanated to go there, but with those ridiculous prices, I never will!! Instead, we went in to explore an "art shop" .. I think the name is New Morning Gallery. We spent hours in there, and yes! I took lots of pictures. They had the most wonderful (and extraordinarily expensive) things. It was still gray and drizzly; and we rode around a bit more. Pat was looking for a specific place for gas (diesel), plus a KFC. Personally, I just enjoyed the riding around and seeing Ashville! We did get what we needed, and headed for the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. We went to Cataloochee Valley, which meant riding up over a mountain ... at the top, only a very narrow dirt road! It was snowing at the top, but just rain (not steady) at the lower areas. We got to the valley, and got to see a lot of elk. We even had the rare treat of seeing/hearing one bugle, calling his harem together. We ate our KFC in the truck (too cold and wet to get out - which meant that poor Cindy got stuck in the (covered) truck bed until we finished!). It was absolutely fascinating watching the elk, as well as the whole area was picturesque! It was getting dark, so we headed out. By the time we got higher, it was snowing hard! It was very pretty, even though dangerous (dark and slick). The snow continued to a lower elevation, but it had stopped by the time we got back to the valley. We went on back to the motel, and had another early night (although I sat up a bit late watching NCIS reruns! LOL!).
Sunday morning we woke up to ... SNOW!!! OK, it wasn't a "lot"; but there was a clear layer on cars, tops of shrubs, porch railings. From the motel porch the view of the higher mountain tops showed a blanket of snow over the trees. It was cold, but not damp (mostly clear blue sky at that point). We gathered up all of our gear, Pat loaded the truck, and we were on the road before 9:00. Once we got out of the valley, we made a quick stop for breakfast at McD's (one more iced mocha "fix"!! Yum!!), then came on home. Sadly, no Parkway this time - we had places to be. We arrived back at Pat's house by shortly after noon, in plenty of time to unload the truck and change clothes.
We went over to Salemtowne, and met up with George & Ann, and Barbara and her girls (plus Kris). (OK, I admit to a bit of confusion now - don't remember who brought Daddy over!). We got Mama safely into her car, and a caravan of 4 vehicles went over to Golden Corrall. We supposedly had a "reserved" room, although it was opened up later. It really didn't matter, as we were pretty much together ... and ate ourselves silly of course! LOL!
After the meal, we went back to a living room at the nursing home where we took lots of pictures and just enjoyed visiting. We stayed until Barbara & the girls had to leave; so George & Ann took Daddy home; Barbara & the girls went back to Raleigh; and Jimmy & I went back home with Pat & Joyce.
It was still early, and we had a nice evening visiting. I wish Barbara could have stayed for that too. Still, it was especially nice getting to visit with George & Ann since I see them so rarely.
Monday morning Jimmy and I went with George & Ann, picked up Daddy, and went to Mayberry's for breakfast. We went back to the apartment and visited a bit. We went back to Pat's house and left Jimmy to have a nap, and I went with George & Ann. After a stop at Sam's Club (for party supplies), we went to play cards with Mama. When the nurse came to take Mama to her dinner, we said our (sad) good byes. We all went back to Homestead for dinner with Daddy. After dinner, George & Ann took Daddy back over to see Mama again. Pat & Joyce took Jimmy and I back to their house to gather our stuff.
We got everything loaded into the car, and were on the road by about 7:15 or so; and home by about 10:15. We only took what was most important out of the car, started a load of laundry ... and to bed! The house was very cold ... tonight I will get an extra quilt!
Today everything is "back to normal".
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Week Fifteen, October 2009
Technically, this weekend was not scheduled for anything. I had kept it open "just in case" something came up around my son's birthday. I should have known better, they don't have much time in their lives for us any more. That's ok .. my "retaliation" (though not on purpose), was to forget which day was his birthday!! LOL!
There are still a lot of things to be done, but at least I know I'm ahead of where I was last year, or many of the years before that. I do enjoy my fall decorations. But, if I want to put up 18 to 20 trees, I can't do it all the weekend after Thanksgiving (especially not this year since we're doing a birthday party for Mama that weekend). Plus, as much work as it is, I want a good 2 months to enjoy them before all the work of packing up again!
Basically, the house is decluttered. There will always be little "pockets" of stuff that need to find somewhere to live. But someone could come into my house now - without a reservation in advance - and I wouldn't be embarrassed. The downside of clutter-free, however, is boring. I walk through my clean rooms, and don't feel good about them. I just feel bored. The problem is not the clutter or lack of it. There's just no "life" in this house. Jimmy mostly just sits around all day making messes for me to clean up. He has the paraphanalia to do lots of different projects, but he just doesn't bother. The most active he gets is to mow the grass. I come home from work and mostly stay in my room, other than dinner (he does do that ... because I refuse to come home from work and cook while he sits around doing nothing), or if I'm cleaning or doing laundry or something. The TV shows we each like are dramatically different. Plus, he has no interest in the computer. Plus, in "my room" as well as my TV and computer, is my sewing machine! :) And we rarely have anyone here to visit. No one to see or care if the house is clean or not. I really hope people will come by to visit this year when the decorating is done, but will have to just wait and see how it goes.
OK, I'm getting a bit side tracked here. There are still a few areas I'm working on. This morning I rearranged a book shelf, and then moved cook books from a kitchen shelf to the newly emptied one. Then I took things out of some crates piled in a difficult-to-access corner and put on the bookshelf. That accomplished several things: (1) it got clutter out of the corner; (2) it got some things, especially baggies, where they are easy to see and reach; and (2) it freed up 3 crates that I can paint and use to have a better area for my container plants when it's time to bring them inside for the winter.
I've also done a load of laundry, which I will put up as soon as Jimmy is out of the shower (my closet is in the bathroom).
Today my plan is to dust and vacuum everything; clean the bathrooms; and do some baking, some sewing, and if the weather clears enough, a little painting. A friend might come by this afternoon (she has offered me a larger TV for my room. It's in her van, so she wants to get it to me rather than leave in the van too long), so everything is flexible (as long as I do the cleaning first!) around that.
Yesterday was a good day in terms of Christmas, but not much else. I went very early in the morning with some friends to a huge community - wide yardsale. (multiple homes, you had to just drive around to them). I got some great bargains ... most of the Christmas for one of the grands, some Christmas things, and a few other just plain good buys (a large Foreman grill for just $5!!). I also took a friend to a quilt show, which we both enjoyed. Later, though, after some shopping, my car wouldn't start. The starter died. Her cousin came to our rescue, and my car was towed (and I had an interesting - meaning hair-raising! - ride in a pickup towing the car), and will be fixed tomorrow. I managed to lock the keys in the car, so couldn't even bring any of my new purchases home.
At least I know I won't be tempted to go off anywhere today! LOL!
There are still a lot of things to be done, but at least I know I'm ahead of where I was last year, or many of the years before that. I do enjoy my fall decorations. But, if I want to put up 18 to 20 trees, I can't do it all the weekend after Thanksgiving (especially not this year since we're doing a birthday party for Mama that weekend). Plus, as much work as it is, I want a good 2 months to enjoy them before all the work of packing up again!
Basically, the house is decluttered. There will always be little "pockets" of stuff that need to find somewhere to live. But someone could come into my house now - without a reservation in advance - and I wouldn't be embarrassed. The downside of clutter-free, however, is boring. I walk through my clean rooms, and don't feel good about them. I just feel bored. The problem is not the clutter or lack of it. There's just no "life" in this house. Jimmy mostly just sits around all day making messes for me to clean up. He has the paraphanalia to do lots of different projects, but he just doesn't bother. The most active he gets is to mow the grass. I come home from work and mostly stay in my room, other than dinner (he does do that ... because I refuse to come home from work and cook while he sits around doing nothing), or if I'm cleaning or doing laundry or something. The TV shows we each like are dramatically different. Plus, he has no interest in the computer. Plus, in "my room" as well as my TV and computer, is my sewing machine! :) And we rarely have anyone here to visit. No one to see or care if the house is clean or not. I really hope people will come by to visit this year when the decorating is done, but will have to just wait and see how it goes.
OK, I'm getting a bit side tracked here. There are still a few areas I'm working on. This morning I rearranged a book shelf, and then moved cook books from a kitchen shelf to the newly emptied one. Then I took things out of some crates piled in a difficult-to-access corner and put on the bookshelf. That accomplished several things: (1) it got clutter out of the corner; (2) it got some things, especially baggies, where they are easy to see and reach; and (2) it freed up 3 crates that I can paint and use to have a better area for my container plants when it's time to bring them inside for the winter.
I've also done a load of laundry, which I will put up as soon as Jimmy is out of the shower (my closet is in the bathroom).
Today my plan is to dust and vacuum everything; clean the bathrooms; and do some baking, some sewing, and if the weather clears enough, a little painting. A friend might come by this afternoon (she has offered me a larger TV for my room. It's in her van, so she wants to get it to me rather than leave in the van too long), so everything is flexible (as long as I do the cleaning first!) around that.
Yesterday was a good day in terms of Christmas, but not much else. I went very early in the morning with some friends to a huge community - wide yardsale. (multiple homes, you had to just drive around to them). I got some great bargains ... most of the Christmas for one of the grands, some Christmas things, and a few other just plain good buys (a large Foreman grill for just $5!!). I also took a friend to a quilt show, which we both enjoyed. Later, though, after some shopping, my car wouldn't start. The starter died. Her cousin came to our rescue, and my car was towed (and I had an interesting - meaning hair-raising! - ride in a pickup towing the car), and will be fixed tomorrow. I managed to lock the keys in the car, so couldn't even bring any of my new purchases home.
At least I know I won't be tempted to go off anywhere today! LOL!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Week Fourteen, October 2009
I'm still somewhat on schedule, although I see more and more where I've not allowed enough time for some things. I still haven't cleaned out those refrigerators. But, I did get the floor done. Everything has been decluttered ... I have a few hot spots that need repeat attention, but I can get them caught up. We didn't get all of the outside decorating done; but, we got a good start on the "hard" parts. The best thing is that we got a wire arch put up over the front door (which is never actually used). My neighbor saw us and came over to see what we were doing ... and offered to help. He figured out how to do the one part we were most struggling with, and now the wire frame is securely in place. We also got a set of lights up on a lattice wall on the porch, replaced the bulb in a plastic reindeer, and figured out the placing for some ofther things we're going to do. We still have a "spare" weekend in November that we can get those things done. Or, we might even do them the same week as the inside stuff. It is so much better organized this year that it should go much quicker to get it all in place.
Also today we baked a pumpkin-buttermilk pound cake (which my friend and I split, plus we gave some to the good neighbor). Yummy!
At some point I need to "regroup". I've gone over the whole house, and it is basically neat and decluttered. I need to double check areas that need more attention; I need to go over everything with duster and vacuum; I need to do the last bits on mostly completed sewing projects, and get some serious work done on unfinished projects; I need to have a better baking plan; I need to work on a few craft projects. I also need to start making some notes on what of these plans I could have organized better and gotten done earlier.
Also today we baked a pumpkin-buttermilk pound cake (which my friend and I split, plus we gave some to the good neighbor). Yummy!
At some point I need to "regroup". I've gone over the whole house, and it is basically neat and decluttered. I need to double check areas that need more attention; I need to go over everything with duster and vacuum; I need to do the last bits on mostly completed sewing projects, and get some serious work done on unfinished projects; I need to have a better baking plan; I need to work on a few craft projects. I also need to start making some notes on what of these plans I could have organized better and gotten done earlier.
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