Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 5 October 2014

I'm not doing a very good job of keeping up with this blog . but actually, I'm sort of in limbo right now.  I haven't been able to do things quite as listed.
The pantry has not yet been done .. I cannot do it until I have help, because I cannot read lables.  I made some small changes in the front coat closet that made a huge difference, so that one isn't much of a priorty (not much else can be done there).  I included the front hall .. but I'm waiting for one more decorative shelf to be hung before I can finish.
I did clean and organize the linen closet, and my personal closets.
The Halloween decorations are up since my niece is crazy about Halloween.
Since I can do so much less decorating than in the past (and since I'm forced to keep everything in storage which means I have to get someone willing to take me there to retrieve things and then take the empty containers back), I likely won't be putting anything up until Thanksgiving.  
It's been less than 2 months since I moved here, so it hasn't had time to get out of control.  And honestly, it's so small, it's absolutely essential that everything have a place to live.  We're mostly there.  My room is a work in progress.  I don't even have curtains up yet, but hopefully in another few weeks that can happen.  I also have some ideas, greatly helped by my sister, for making my corner (where my chair sits) "special".
Sometime in the next few weeks I will get pictures of the fall decorations and upload them here.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sept/Oct 200=14 (week 4)

I'm not very good at keeping track, but I am doing well so far at working on the schedule I made.  Monday, Sept. 29th starts week 4.   My general plan for that week originally was to work on the front hall and closet and to put up Halloween decorations.  I had "extra" time this week, so I worked on the front hall a little.  I took out one bucket of things that can go to storage, and that made a big difference.  I will postpone doing the rest of it for now.  I can't get the shelf in the hall organized yet because I have to wait until my BIL puts some small decorative shelves on the wall (it's a cinder block wall and needs special screws).  Since I don't know when he'll have a chance, I'll just rearrange a few things.  Also, I've already done most of the decorating (to please the niece I share this apartment with, because she loves Halloween as much as I love Christmas).  
I am shifting around the order of the closets to be worked on now.  I need to do my own next.  With my loss of vision it is important that my closet be very specifically organized.  It was before I moved; but my clothes got totally jumbled u in the move.  So this week's focus will be to take everything out, get it in the order that most helps me find things and get it back into the closet neaty.  
I had planned on a short visit from my DIL; but she is not feeling well so that will be postponed.  Other things to get done this week will include a trip to the library to get software downloaded so I can get audible library books on my Kindle; finding out about a senior's group at church; and getting involved in a VIP (Visually Impaired Persons) sewing group.   My goal is to get busy with activities with people my age andor with whom I have something in common (VIPs).  I've done the bulk of any unpacking I can do.  The closets still need tweaking and organizing, and the kitchen could use a bit of organziing as well.  None of that will take much time.  I seem to have way too much time on my hands just now!  I guess it's too early to start Christmas decorating! :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 2 2014

I GUESS THE WEEK “TECHNICALLY” Starts on Monday; but it will be a busy day, and I’m actually done with everything on my list for this week.  I have a lot left to do I guess, but things are in much better shape now, and I’m feeling like I accomplished what I needed to for the week.  I’m actually a little ahead.  I went on and put out some of the Halloween decorations.  I figure I’m always ready to put my Christmas out way early … so since my niece loves Halloween, it’s only fair to put out things for her early so she can enjoy them longer.
I do still have some things piled up in a corner; but, they are things I just don’t need to deal with soon.  A lot of it is fabric.
Next week I still have working on my room on my schedule.  There are 2 doctor appointments that will take up most of Monday and Wednesday.  That plus laundry and groceries will take a lot of my time.  The following week is for decorating .. most of which is done; and starting on the hall closet.  But I might be out of town a night.  I think I will go on and start on that closet with my “extra” time this coming week.

Is anyone out there? J  Are you following HGP or any other plan?  Write me   … .. let me know how you’re doing!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

2014 Week 2

It is now mid September.  I am moved, in and mostly unpacked.  Or at least, there is room to move around! LOL!  I still have much to sort and organize.  However, it is time to be working on my own version of a countdown. I would dearly love to participate with “The Grand Plan” (email group), but I know I just can’t handle the volume of email that involves.   I’d love to at least have a “byddt: that would work along with me and we could support and encourage each other.  But alas .. no one in my world is in the least interested.  So, I will slog along the best I can.

Here is a quick overview of my own plan:
Week 1 .. continue unpacking in my room.
Week 2 .. (current) .. take care of business dealing with change of residency, banking, etc.
..and continue working on my room
Week 3 .. eye doctor appointment and continue working on my room
Week 4 .. clean out front hall and closet; put up Halloween decorations
Week 5 .. clean and organize pantry; class reunion
Week 6 .. clean and organize linen closet
Week 7 .. plan and do prep for Halloween party;  complete any areas tackled so far if not done
Week 8 .. final prep and cleaning; Halloween party
Week 9 .. pack away Halloween decorations (leave up fall); work on organizing my closets
Week 10 .. begin sorting Christmas decorations
Week 11 .. pack up all fall and other decorations; Meadow Lights and Christmas parade on weekend
Week 12 .. give whole house once over deep cleaning; Thanksgiving (where we will be not yet determined); begin decorating on weekend
Week 13 .. complete decorating; begin baking
Weeks 14, 15, 16 .. enjoy the Christmas season!

This apartment is very small; and so is my budget.  Things will be drastically different this year, but I will do the best I can to make the most of what is.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Half year Update

I haven’t updated in a long time.  This has not been the best year in terms of my decorating.  So, a quick update in case anyone checks this that isn’t aware of what is going on in my life:
My husband was on hospice from July 2013 until he passed away in March 2014.  While I had a degree of help from family and from hospice, I was primary care giver .. and that didn’t leave me much time or energy for much decorating.  I changed out candle colors, but not a lot more.
At the same time, I have been losing my vision.  I am now legally blind, so a lot of things are much more difficult than they once were.  One thing that particularly gives me trouble in decorating is I have a hard time distinguishing a lot of colors.

Anyway, things will be changing dramatically.  In August I am moving to an apartment in “the big city” which I will share with a niece.  There won’t be nearly as much room for decorating (any holiday) as here .. but hopefully with less stress I can get back to making things as pretty as I can. 
I won’t have space for the full size white tree that has stayed up for years now .. that makes me a little sad.   But fortunately, my niece feels like it wouldn’t even look like “my” home with no tree .. so we’re both OK with a table top tree that I can change out with the seasons.  And I think she will be amazed at how many trees (not all 30 of course) I can fit into the apartment at Christmas, without blocking anything.  I am looking forward to that challenge!

Since I’m in the middle of sorting, purging, and packing, not a lot is getting done this summer.  I do have blue candles on the mantle.  I will hang my patriotic wreath by the entrance door for most of the month.  (during times I’m not home I will hang it on the street facing door that we don’t use). 
One of the things I have maintained up to now was keeping my dining table pretty.  Unfortunately, I’ve sold it (won’t need or have room in the apartment, niece has a dinette set).  Once I move I will get back to a pretty table. 
I won’t have room for my vast collection of dishes and glassware.  Some will go into storage; and some will get sold.  But I will be keeping enough to use as well as be pretty. 

I know, not much of an update.  But best I can do with all that’s been going on this year.  Hopefully all will soon be settled and I can again focus on Christmas.

Friday, March 21, 2014

I forgot to take a picture of my "green table", but felt the need to change it up to something "happy and sunshiny".

Friday, January 31, 2014

End of January 2014

It is the end of January, and I’m close enough “on track” to be satisfied.  About 95% of Christmas is neatly packed away.  I didn’t ack as organized this year; but considering (1) it’s very difficult to see what I’m doing and (2) I had absolutely NO help this year, I’m very pleased with my progress.
The main “goal” for January was to get the attic clean before taking Christmas up .. and that got done!  I did have hired help for half a day with that, but oh so worth it.  Not only did she help me go through piles of random stuff that had been just shoved up there, but she also took away all of the bagged trash as well as a lot of items to be donated.
Once the last of the Christmas stuff (meaning one last tree, and a few boxes that need to be “in front”) is properly stowed away, I’ll be able to go in and out easily, access all of the rest of the seasonal decorations, and even have a cleared off wrapping station  OK, I don’t exactly *need* the wrapping station .. but who knows, I *might* want to wrap a gift at some point! LOL!
As a last minute decision, I changed out the dining room table.  Several weeks ago I had put away the Christmas china, and used my “good” china instead.  Today I removed the festive gold tableecloth, the gold chargers,  and the fancy wine goblets.  I put all of the silver pieces on a shelf (recently emptied by culling out books).  I  used a pretty vintage tablecloth with a gray background.  I put the dishes back, but instead of the wine goblets I used some thumbprint water goblets.  I bunched a lot of white and silver candles in the center; and I will go back and put the silver S&Ps back on the table.  Ta DA! J

The only thing I planned for February is Valentine decorating  and getting a mini-vacation.  I think I might succeed! J