1. I got outside windows washed, as many as I can reach that didn't have screens. The screens have been hosed off.
2. I did not take things off the walls, but have dusted down the living room and front hall, ceiling on down.
3. I haven't vacuumed yet, but when I do I will also go under the sofa cushions.
4. There is no wood furniture; all surfaces have been dusted.
5. I ran the duster all the way down to the baseboards.
6. I will polish the brass on the fireplace screen later this week (when I find the polish!)
7. I did not remove the silk flowers, but shook and brushed them carefully. It won't be long until they are packed away, and they will be rinsed in the shower before being returned next winter.
8. The dusting included the mantle and the lamps.
9. I haven't moved the pile of photo albums yet, because I haven't yet figured out where I'm going to put them. I also have a pile of books on the porch table, that I keep putting off bringing in because I don't know where to put them.
10. I still want to look into renting a rug cleaner, but it will have to wait, maybe even until next week.
11. I have company coming next Saturday for lunch, and will take pictures then of my lovely clean and neat rooms.
Other than the week's area, there are tasks assigned to this week.
I haven't changed the smoke detectors yet.
I haven't printed a checklist, because I keep revising it!
None of the other items from the original list really apply to me.
So, for this week, though I'm not finished, I'm at least a bit closer than I was.